Be sure to set MONGO_URL to an accessible MongoDB instance. This helps ensure the unlikely possibility of a resource group hanging around after a template deployment. On restart, it will attempt to delete any resource group listed in the database. The server uses MongoDB to record created resource groups to persistenence. config.json at the root of this repo making it easy to deploy. You can set any of these values as environment variables, or placing it in a file called. "GITHUB_REPO": "Azure/azure-quickstart-templates " "PASSWORD_REPLACE_INDICATOR": "GEN_PASSWORD ", "SSH_PUBLIC_KEY": "ssh-rsa create an ssh public key using ssh-keygen ", "PARAM_REPLACE_INDICATOR": "GEN_UNIQUE ",

"TEST_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME": "azure_test_rg ", "comment": "You can either set these values as environment variables or to a file called '.config.json' at the root of the repo ", In a typical your template file would look like:
Keyvault validator v2 password#
Keyvault validator v2 windows#

GEN-KEYVAULT-SSL-SECRET-URI - use this placeholder to use the sample SSL cert stored in the test keyvault.GEN-KEYVAULT-SSL-SECRET-NAME - use this placeholder to use the sample SSL cert stored in the test keyvault.GEN-KEYVAULT-RESOURCE-ID - use this placeholder to get Resource ID of existing test keyvault.GEN-KEYVAULT-FQDN-URI - use this placeholder to get FQDN URI of existing test keyvault.GEN-KEYVAULT-NAME - use this placeholder to leverage an existing test keyvault in your templates.This includes a key vault with sample SSL certificate stored, specialized and generalized Windows Server VHD's, a custom domain and SSL cert data for Azure App Service templates. You can pre-create few azure components which can be used by templates for automated validation. GEN-SSH-PUB-KEY - Replaces this with a generated SSH public key.GEN-PASSWORD - Replaces this with a generated azure-compatible password, useful for virtual machine names.The length is specified by where it can be any number between 3 to 32 inclusive. GEN-UNIQUE- Replaces this with a generated unique value suitable for domain names, sotrage accounts and usernames.The length of the generated paramter will be 18 characters long.